Thursday, June 28, 2007

Fun with google Images

Google Images

There are a lot of fun stories I have to blog about but no pictures to show. So I have decided to write about something and use the Google Images search engine. I will post the first image that comes up.

So I was the first Repeat customer at the new Korean restaurant; Bbop. The owners made a big deal out of it. Now I feel like I have set a dangerous precedent. Like if I don't show up a lot they will take it very personally.

Google Term: "Cheering Koreans"

In other news, we had a round-table discussion of the scripts we read in Jeff Grigg's Project Writing Class. Everyone who finished did such a great job and I can see all of the scripts in the movie theater in my head.

Jeff pointed out something about the reading of "Giggles and Spuds": As people read my script I looked as if I was hearing it for the first time and laughed harder at my own jokes than anyone else. I think this was because everyone did such a great job reading added to the fact that I find myself very funny.

Google Term: "Reading Giggles"

Lately I have been going out to lunch with coworkers to a restaurant called "Yolk". It's a southern style breakfast place. Grits make me feel like I'm at home.

Google Term: "Southern Style Breakfast"

Obvious "southern style" means "served only on Styrofoam" to Mr. Google.

Lastly, I played poker the other night and lost more money than usual. I usually start out OK but get very tired. At around midnight I turn into a very sleepy baby, and I usually start making stupid mistakes. But it is always fun no matter how bad I play. So I guess that's what I'm spending 40 dollars on...

Google Term: "Rationalization"

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