Wednesday, September 5, 2007

nice little suprises

Have I mentioned that I love Chicago? I think so. But it's worth restating.

There are at least a million little fun surprises in this city that pop up on a daily basis. Just tiny little things that can make your day better. Sometimes it's art, sometimes it's a situation, sometimes it's just random events.

If you click on the picture you can see this little pink guy in more detail. Ive walked by this same cement column for almost a year and always noticed a pink spot, but never took the time to look at it. But I realized recently it's a face. Now that I know, I always say good morning to it on my way to work (not out loud).

These are creepy. I found these on the sidewalk near our new apartment. I think it's probably some kids tracing their shadows, but it looks like the ghosts of dead kids to me. I'd like to thinks it's ghosts actually. Hilarious ghosts:


Is this garage really an opening to the gates of hell? We may never know.

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