Friday, October 19, 2007

Here are some of my loyal readers (people who have casually mentioned that they have read my blog). I wouldn't say they are "Fans" or "Followers", but I will say that they fanatically follow me.

Fellow Roadster teammate and good friend Lindsay:

Her blog has lots of clouds!

Fellow Roadster and good friend Kristen:

So I guess they are the only two blog mention-ers this week. I'm still waiting for a complete stranger to recognize me for my blog, then Ill know Ive made it.

Roadster had a good show at iO last night. Very fun, very playful, well except for Dave, who was just plain surly throughout the entire thing:

Grants sweet-as-molasses mom was at the show with her good friend Scabbers (that's for all those Harry Potter fans out there)

Speaking of Grant, he will be doing a two person comedy show with Chrissy entitled "Fighting for Louie's Love".

In the final act, they actually fight to the death. It will be glorious.

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