Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mystery Movie

Im not sure if i have made mention of Mystery Movies on my blog yet. Well if not, settle in for some excitement. If so, settle in for some classic reruns.

Anyway, Sean and I have a thing we do, let's call it a "Mystery Movie". The rules are simple: Player A picks a movie and doesn't tell Player B what it is. Then we go to the movie in question. Player A pays for the tickets and Player B keeps his/her head down and avoids figuring out what the movie is. So Basically, Player B does not know what the movie is until the opening credits (sometimes even later).

The first Mystery Movie was one that I picked and the reaction Sean had when the opening title of "Brokeback Mountain" popped up was priceless.

We have played Mystery Movie a lot since then. And most have been good movies (28 weeks later, Superman) mainly because we both have to watch the movie, so picking something outright bad is a problem for both participants.

However, yesterday Sean won the game forever. We went to AMC 600 on Michigan after having dinner at Fados. So we were full and a little tipsy.

He had me keep my head down and wouldn't even let me be near him when he bought the tickets. We walked into the theater during previews. The preview part is the best part of the process, because sometimes you will see a preview for a movie that you thought it might be, therefore eliminating it from your guess pool. So basically I had no idea what I was in for...

Then a title appeared "A Tyler Perry Production" and I literally GUFFAWED. He took me to go see "Meet the Browns"! I immediately leaned over and quietly called him a couple expletives, but I settled in to watch what I was expecting to be a Preachy, Christian, Pro-Family-Values movie. I KNEW I was going to hate it...

Well, I was way wrong. It was really really funny. There were some really hilarious and suprising things that happen in that movie. I mean, it is definitely very Christian, but it was so funny that it didn't come off as preachy at all. I actually loved it...

So I totally recommend it. Every reviewer seems to hate it, but this might be that little gem that only a select lucky few know about.

Oh and we also did this:

I wonder what our next movie will be...

Monday, March 24, 2008

Goofy and fun

Here is another thing Chrissy and I made...


Friday, March 14, 2008


Chrissy sat in with felt last week. Here she is warming up before the show. She was great!
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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Overlooked and Ommitted

Recently I have left out some important blog things:

Way back in December when I went home for Christmas, I got to spend time with my aunt Dee Dee, and she mentioned my blog in person. Which gets her a picture and special mention on my blog.

I don't play favorites in my family at all, but Dee Dee is pretty great. She is also published... Maybe she can post a link to her book in my comment section.


My friends Kara and Drew went to Bi-Bop (a Korean restaurant previously mentioned on my blog) based on my recommendation and they loved it.

Here they are at a Canadian convenience store. At least I'm pretty sure that's Drew in the background.

Now for some pictures that I will misrepresent with my words.

Sean and I have taken up modeling as a hobby. I hope it works out.

Jill is very annoyed at Anthony for a negative comment he made about the state of Michigan.

Anthony, Jill and Chip are actually not posing for this picture at all, this is how they naturally situate themselves in life. They call it the perfect triangle of friendship. However, Jill still seems annoyed with Anthony (I hope they work it out).


Chrissy and me preparing for a road trip: