Monday, December 31, 2007

catching up to do

Oh man. I have really let my readers down. Big time!

I wish I could somehow make it up to you...

...wait a second...

I have an idea!@!

Here is a gift to say "I'm sorry for letting you down"

Print it out, frame it, put it on your desk/mantle/above your bed.

You're welcome...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sean made me do this:

List 5 things that certain people (who are not deserving of being your friend anyway) may consider to be "totally lame," but you are, despite the possible stigma, totally proud of. Own it. Tag 5 others:

1) Everytime I see "Angels in the Outfield" on TV, I watch it all the way through and cry at the end.

2) I made it to 6th place in a Ms. Pac Man tournament in college. I was defeated by a 12 year old.

3) I can recite the Gummy Bear theme from beginning to end. And I do it. A lot.

4) Every couple of years I watch every episode of Twin Peaks. I once did a 72 hour marathon and ate and drank nothing but pie and coffee. Afterwards I had the strangest dreams.

5) Often times I walk around my apartment in my bright green speed-o and do kung-fu in front of a mirror.

Ok, I tag Lindsay

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Been a long time!

I haven't blogged in forevs!
So allow me to backtrack a little and fill in the blanks.

The rest of my Mom's visit was terrific. We went on the Chicago Gangster tour. It's just the right ratio of History to Cheese in my humble opinion.

The tour guides ("Louie" and "Southside") dressed as gangsters and cracked jokes as we stopped at some of Chicago's most violent mob landmarks. My kind of attraction.

Halloween came and went and it seemed as if nothing really exciting was going to happen... Until!

I went to Chipotle on Halloween night and everyone had tin foil on their heads. I asked what the deal was, and according to one patron "If you dress like a Chipotle burrito they give you a free Chipotle burrito". The patron was nice enough to lend me some of his foil, so I went up to the counter, asked for a burrito, they made it, and walked away without paying a dime. So it was a happy Halloween after all. I love MARKETING CAMPAIGNS! Yay!

I went to the driving range a little awhile ago with my good friends from Wing Night, Nick and Rachel, as well as my GF, Chrissy.

Nick is a really good golfer. He has a powerful yet elegant swing. A ballet like follow-though. He is so good in fact that the head of his club flew off and made it onto the driving range green.

It was amazing. He had to run out onto the range to get it.

It was a really nice golf club though. (Taylor-Made Big Bertha for those few that might care)

This is the end of the shaft. (As Michael from the Office would say "That's what she said")

And yeah, the big Spertus move. Although it was a crazy busy time, it was free of any major disasters.

Now my life can resume to normal.

Happy Belated Birthday to my good friend Lina who confessed to reading my blog!

She believes in peace and throws an awesome party.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


I am way behind on blogging because the organization I work for is moving into a new building. So things have been super crazy.

I have a million blogables in my pockets ready to dispense as soon as I have an ounce of free time.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Besides the Tattoos

First, I need to take care of some business.

Point of Order:
Kathy Betts of International Stinger fame mentioned that she reads my blog!

This proves my hypothesis that Kathy is awesome. Check her out when you get a chance!

Now back to family business:

I already gave away the coolest part of the weekend. However, there were plenty of other cool parts as well.

I picked Mom,Briana and Chuck up at O'Hare.

While waiting for their delayed flight, I witnessed an older man pass out and collapse on the floor. He was OK, but an ambulance had to come take him to the hospital. Everyone in the general area rushed to help out, which is why Chicago is great.

When we got home Chrissy made Briana a birthday cake. (She just turned 18... yeesh, I feel old)

It was perfect... until I decided to volunteer to serve it. One thing to know about me, I should never be allowed to cut cake, because it always ends in disaster. However, everyone really enjoyed their pathetic, misshapen slices.

The next day we started at Millineum park and worked our way up to Hancock tower.

Along the way Mom got into an epic battle with her evil twin.

I'm still not sure which one won.

Also, I ran into my Arch Nemesis:

The silver robot guy on Michigan Ave. who gets mad and chases you if you take a picture. I hate him. So whenever I see that guy, I walk across the street and take a picture. Take that!

That night we had a fun roadster show then we went to see Chrissy perform with International Stinger in their annual Halloween Show. This year they dressed as vampires.

J. Ben scared the poop out of me when I first saw him lurking in the shadows of the Playground theater. He was truly horrific. Kudos.

Plenty more happened, but I will keep the suspense going for a little while. Ill say this much, it involves gangsters, ninjas, duets, worms and... gasp.... murder...

Stay tuned.

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Awesomest Thing Ever In The World

This weekend was so good. My Sister, Mom and my Mom's boyfriend Chuck came to visit for the weekend. We did so much over the course of the their visit that I am going to have to break it up into several blog entries. The idea at first was to list things chronologically, but then I realized one thing stood out above all else, so it needs to get first mention:


Briana (My Sister [pictured to the right]) just turned 18 a week ago. So, as a birthday present, Mom promised let her get a tattoo. At first it may have been a joke, but Mom said she might get one too. Then when the time came, she followed through.

We went to Chicago Tattoo and Piercing on Belmont. They were very friendly, and very professional. I had imagined there was a level of snobbery in these places, but it was actually like going to a rockin' dentists office. (Complete with high pitched whirring and buzzing).

Pretty awesome, huh?

Well, it's official, I am now the least cool person in my family.

Until I get one...


Sorry, Chrissy.

A ton of other things happened, but this deserves its own space.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I've been as busy as a bee and/or beaver getting our new apartment ready for our guests. This weekend my Mom and Sis are coming to visit along with my Mom's boyfriend (who and/or whom I have not yet met). I'm very excited, and I think it's going to be a rockin' time.

My sister just turned 18 last week. So we have some special events lined up for that occasion.

Also, my Mom will be singing a duet with me in the Lil' Talent Show at the Annoyance theater. It will be adorable. Sunday at 8... adorable.

Here are some things I recommend:

1) McDonald's during October.

I have already put on a couple of pounds because of the genius of McDonald's Marketing. The yearly Monopoly game gives you so many chances to win. You get game peices on your drink, fries and any premium chicken sandwich. If you order a large #7 combo you get 6 game peices plus coupons for footlocker and toys-r-us. (the keyboard will not let me type a backwards "r")

A friend of mine, Michael Palascak wrote a screenplay about this contest. He is also in the running for the Funniest Person in Chicago. In my opinion, he is.

2) Caramel

3) Zicam for colds and flus

Yesterday I took a sick day from work due to a flu, now its almost completely run it's course. How is that possible? See above.

4) Mythbusters

This is one of my favorite things to watch on TV. These guys try to debunk Myths by recreating them. Fun fun fun.

5) Corn

Friday, October 19, 2007

Here are some of my loyal readers (people who have casually mentioned that they have read my blog). I wouldn't say they are "Fans" or "Followers", but I will say that they fanatically follow me.

Fellow Roadster teammate and good friend Lindsay:

Her blog has lots of clouds!

Fellow Roadster and good friend Kristen:

So I guess they are the only two blog mention-ers this week. I'm still waiting for a complete stranger to recognize me for my blog, then Ill know Ive made it.

Roadster had a good show at iO last night. Very fun, very playful, well except for Dave, who was just plain surly throughout the entire thing:

Grants sweet-as-molasses mom was at the show with her good friend Scabbers (that's for all those Harry Potter fans out there)

Speaking of Grant, he will be doing a two person comedy show with Chrissy entitled "Fighting for Louie's Love".

In the final act, they actually fight to the death. It will be glorious.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Im a Winner!

Oh yeah, I totally forgot: I won a GUITAR!

Yup, now I just need to learn to play it. Soon I will be rocking out to my own renditions of "Michael Row Your Boat Ashore" and "Frera Shaka". Chrissy is going to loooove listening to that all the time.

More fun Sammy Benefit pictures:

Aviator Challenge!

At some point in the evening I started entertaining myself by taking pictures of people coming out of the bathroom.

That might be my new thing.

Monday, October 15, 2007


First off, it is my promise to anyone who tells me they read my blog that they get their picture posted. So when Sean told me his Mom reads my blog, I was all like "awesome".

So first off "Hi, Mrs. Keith!" Here is said picture:

Sorry fellas, she is spoken for!!!

The part in green is just for Mrs. Keith:

Mrs. Keith, we are all a little worried about your son's recent behavior (as shown below)

It's just a little weird (not to mention dangerous) for him to be running around in a ninja suit at his age. Maybe you should talk to him, because every time I am alone with him he tries to stab me with Sais.

Friday after work I went to the Apple (tm) store on Michigan Ave.

I spent a whole hour there on an iMac shooting, editing and composing music for a short film. It made me realized how easy and powerful macs are for that kind of thing. I guess I better start saving up my money now. Unless anyone wants to buy me one... *wink*

Saturday was Jess's birthday. So we went to Cesar's Mexican Restaurant "Home of the killer margarita".

We had a good time.

Everyone got tiny little burritos. I got the Super burrito. I win.

Artsy Photograph Alert!!

I call it "The Tip"

Also, for some reason, things have been tense between Kat and I recently. As shown below:

I think I offended her with a comment I made about her recent weight gain.

Also, Saturday the Playground Theater had a benefit for my good friend Sammy. He tore his ACL in an improv show.

Poor, poor insurance-less Sammy. Hang in there!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Today's Hottest New Game Show!

Who Looks Better in Aviator Sunglasses?!?!%&@$!!!