Monday, October 29, 2007

The Awesomest Thing Ever In The World

This weekend was so good. My Sister, Mom and my Mom's boyfriend Chuck came to visit for the weekend. We did so much over the course of the their visit that I am going to have to break it up into several blog entries. The idea at first was to list things chronologically, but then I realized one thing stood out above all else, so it needs to get first mention:


Briana (My Sister [pictured to the right]) just turned 18 a week ago. So, as a birthday present, Mom promised let her get a tattoo. At first it may have been a joke, but Mom said she might get one too. Then when the time came, she followed through.

We went to Chicago Tattoo and Piercing on Belmont. They were very friendly, and very professional. I had imagined there was a level of snobbery in these places, but it was actually like going to a rockin' dentists office. (Complete with high pitched whirring and buzzing).

Pretty awesome, huh?

Well, it's official, I am now the least cool person in my family.

Until I get one...


Sorry, Chrissy.

A ton of other things happened, but this deserves its own space.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy moley!