- Thursday 8:00
The Chicago Sashay Company performed as hosts of the Close to Del Marathon. Between each improv show we did an original 45 second dance that we created in about 20 minutes right before going on stage. It was awesome, and it was a great night of shows.
However it was also very muggy outside and inside the theater, so by the end we were all completely exhausted and sweaty. Suffering for the art of dance.
- Friday 3:15
It was great! I laughed and cried.
- Friday 6:00
Grant got tickets to a Wrigleyville neighbor appreciation event ON Wrigley field.
Here we are in the Cubs dugout.
Afterwards we were lead upstairs to the VIP area...
...where they served us free food and beverages.
All the food was really tasty. It was so awesome. I guess I'm a Cubs fan now, I just kind of feel obligated.
Friday 10:30
Revolver had a great show at IO! It was a blast.
Friday 12:00
IO Jam... Embarrassment ensues...
Friday ??:??
Brett and Seth being funny.