This Cross Guard.
This man was flirting with every single woman who crossed the street. Not in a overly sleazy way, but he was very very persistent. It didn't matter the race, age or relative level of attractiveness.
"Have a splendid afternoon... ladies"
"Enjoy the TASTE... ladies" (with a sly emphasis of the word taste, as if to offer himself on the menu)
"Looking very nice today... ladies"
This was all accompanied by a wink and a "finger gun".
Most women just giggled and kept walking. But I did see a couple of older women turn around and give him a second furtive glance.
Way to go...
Way to go...
As he appears to support all women, he is essentially building up unattractive people's self esteem! He is a hero in my book!
I might even go so far as to say he is a feminist.
I might...
I think I've got to work on my flirting. The other day I was delivering to an attractive single women when I noticed her pup lurking in the background. I asked, "So, do you ever have sex with the dog?" and she got all weird. Maybe next time this happens I'll ask, "So, did you enjoy the Taste?" and use finger guns to point at my crotch.
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