Point of Order:
Kathy Betts of International Stinger fame mentioned that she reads my blog!
This proves my hypothesis that Kathy is awesome. Check her out when you get a chance!
Now back to family business:
I already gave away the coolest part of the weekend. However, there were plenty of other cool parts as well.
I picked Mom,Briana and Chuck up at O'Hare.
While waiting for their delayed flight, I witnessed an older man pass out and collapse on the floor. He was OK, but an ambulance had to come take him to the hospital. Everyone in the general area rushed to help out, which is why Chicago is great.
When we got home Chrissy made Briana a birthday cake. (She just turned 18... yeesh, I feel old)
It was perfect... until I decided to volunteer to serve it. One thing to know about me, I should never be allowed to cut cake, because it always ends in disaster. However, everyone really enjoyed their pathetic, misshapen slices.
The next day we started at Millineum park and worked our way up to Hancock tower.
Along the way Mom got into an epic battle with her evil twin.
I'm still not sure which one won.
Also, I ran into my Arch Nemesis:
The silver robot guy on Michigan Ave. who gets mad and chases you if you take a picture. I hate him. So whenever I see that guy, I walk across the street and take a picture. Take that!
That night we had a fun roadster show then we went to see Chrissy perform with International Stinger in their annual Halloween Show. This year they dressed as vampires.
J. Ben scared the poop out of me when I first saw him lurking in the shadows of the Playground theater. He was truly horrific. Kudos.
Plenty more happened, but I will keep the suspense going for a little while. Ill say this much, it involves gangsters, ninjas, duets, worms and... gasp.... murder...
Stay tuned.