Monday, August 6, 2007

Weekend Funnies

Saturday Roadster had a funny show at iO. I particularly loved it because I got to tell one of my favorite childhood stories:

When I was 3 or 4 years old my parents took me on vacation to Cincinnati, Ohio, where my aunt and cousins live. They had an in-ground pool in the back yard.

Now, as everyone who has met me or has seen a picture of me knows, I am a very fair skinned boy and that was no different when I was 3 or 4. So one day I was playing in the pool with an inner tube, and it rubbed the sunscreen off of my left arm. So only that part of me got sunburn, but it was so bad that I got a huge blister from my wrist up to my bicep. It was so big and so painful.

We went to the hospital where a doctor told us not to pop it. So my vacation was completely miserable, I think I spent most of it wailing in pain. So the next day we went to another doctor who looked at the blister, distracted me really quick, and popped it immediately. Puss went everywhere.

To this day, I still remember exactly how much it hurt, and it is still the most painful thing I have ever experienced (and i get hurt a lot).

So I got to gross out an entire audience full of people, which means it was a great show!

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